Ingenique Solutions

Practical Guide to BNM’s AML/CFT Regulations & Internal Policies, Procedures and Controls

13 Mar 2024 | 2pm-4pm | WORQ Subang

Details of AML Seminar

Topic:Practical Guide to BNM’s AML/CFT Regulations & Internal Policies, Procedures and Controls
Date:13 March 2024 (Wednesday)
Time:2.00pm – 4.00pm
Venue:WORQ Subang, Unit 2-1, Level 2, The Podium, Tower 3, UOA Business Park, No 1, Jalan Pengaturcara U1/51a, Seksyen U1, 40150 Shah Alam, Selangor
(Google Map)
Registration:Till 12 March 2024


  • Special Offer — Up to 22% Discounts on SentroWeb AML software 
  • The seminar will cover practical information on AML/CFT, including:
    • Bank Negara Malaysia AMLA Regulations & Guidelines 
    • Guide to Implementing AML/CFT Internal Policies, Procedures and Controls (IPPC)
    • Demo on How to Effectively Comply with AMLA through Technology (including Screening, Customer Due Diligence, Ongoing Monitoring)
  • Certificate of Attendance will be provided

Registration Closed

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    About the AML Seminar

    Effective 1 Jan 2020, professional firms in Malaysia (including Accountants, Company Secretaries, Lawyers, Registered Estate Agents, Dealers in Precious Metals / Precious Stones) are required to comply with the Anti-Money Laundering, Anti-Terrorism Financing and Proceeds of Unlawful Activities Act 2001 (“AMLA”).  Accordingly, the Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) as the regulator has issued a policy document to assist the reporting institutions to meet their AML/CFT obligations under AMLA. 

    With ever changing money-laundering and terrorist-financing landscape, it is important for professional firms to regularly refresh their knowledge of the AML/ CFT regime and implement effective and updated AML/CFT Internal Policies, Procedures and Controls (IPPC).

    In this seminar, we will cover BNM AMLA regulations & guidelines, practical guide and good practices on implementing AML/CFT IPPC for the small and medium-sized professional firms in Malaysia.

    Rundown for AML Seminar

    1.45pm – 2.00pmRegistration
    2.00pm – 2.35pm

    Bank Negara Malaysia AMLA Regulations & Guidelines (in English)
    Speaker: Mr Edward Chan, Ingenique Solutions

    This session will cover the key requirements of BNM AMLA regulations & guidelines, to enhance professional firms’ understanding of the AML/CFT legal obligations, and provide the best practice to mitigate the ML/TF risks.

    2.35pm – 3.20pm

    Implementing AML/CFT Internal Policies, Procedures and Controls (IPPC) (in English)
    Speaker: Mr Martin Lim, Ingenique Solutions

    In Section 10 and 11 of the BNM policy document on the AML/CFT and Targeted Financial Sanctions for DNFBPs, there is a need for firms to implement internal policies, procedures and controls (IPPC) to address money laundering and terrorist financing (ML/TF) risks.

    How does a firm develop and implement these AML/CFT IPPC in their day-to-day operations to mitigate the ML/TF risks and comply with the AMLA requirements?

    This session will share with the participants practical implementation that will balance compliance requirements and business needs, with focus on Customer Due Diligence and Ongoing Monitoring.

    3.20pm – 3.40pm

    Effectively Comply with AMLA through Technology (in English)

    Speaker: Mr Edward Chan, Ingenique Solutions

    Using SentroWeb, one of the innovative AML systems in the market, as a short demo, to show you how Regtech help you effectively manage AML/CFT risks and comply with AMLA regulatory requirements.

    *Attendees can get up to 22% special discounts on SentroWeb AML Software.

    3.40pm – 4.00pmQ&A

    Registration open 15 mins before the seminar start

    Speaker: Mr Edward Chan, Ingenique Solutions

    This session will cover the key requirements of BNM AMLA regulations & guidelines, to enhance professional firms’ understanding of the AML/CFT legal obligations, and provide the best practice to mitigate the ML/TF risks.

    Speaker: Mr Martin Lim, Ingenique Solutions

    In Section 10 and 11 of the BNM policy document on the AML/CFT and Targeted Financial Sanctions for DNFBPs, there is a need for firms to implement internal policies, procedures and controls (IPPC) to address money laundering and terrorist financing (ML/TF) risks.

    How does a firm develop and implement these AML/CFT IPPC in their day-to-day operations to mitigate the ML/TF risks and comply with the AMLA requirements?

    This session will share with the participants practical implementation that will balance compliance requirements and business needs, with focus on Customer Due Diligence and Ongoing Monitoring.

    Speaker: Mr Edward Chan, Ingenique Solutions

    Using SentroWeb, one of the innovative AML systems in the market, as a short demo, to show you how Regtech help you effectively manage AML/CFT risks and comply with AMLA regulatory requirements.

    *Attendees can get up to 22% special discounts on SentroWeb AML Software.

    Q&A Session

    About the Speakers

    Martin is the Founder and CEO of Ingenique Solutions. With Ingenique, he focuses the company to be the trusted AML/CFT solution provider and has grown the company to serve customers across Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong and China. He frequently engages with small and medium sized professional firms to assist them in implementing AML/CFT policies, procedures and controls, and to prepare for regulatory inspections and reviews. Prior to joining Ingenique, Martin had more than 15 years in the IT industry covering both technical and business development responsibilities.

    Edward Chan is a Senior Sales Executive responsible for the sales in Ingenique Solutions. With Ingenique, he plays a key role in developing and growing the Malaysia market, by putting his strong client relationship skills and practical knowledge in AML/CFT matters to help clients address their AML/CFT related issues, concerns & requirements.

    *The data collected in the event registration form will be used for the purposes of processing your registration for the event and marketing communication. By submitting the form, you agree to our privacy policy. You can opt out at any time via